Sunday, April 19, 2009


I've been away for awhile.  Getting myself grounded after the death of my Dad.  Feeling great today!  

I'm in London now and loving it!  I wish I could stay for ever, but have to home to be the maid-of-honour at one of my best friends' weddings.  A month of parties and preparations for a wedding. Craziness.

Wanted to let you know that I am twittering now . . . amuseingmay is my twittername.  I am pretty excited about it.  Can't wait to give anyone who cares a play by play of my crazy life.  Last week alone I had naked photos taken by an incredible photographer (note - not incredible at sex, just at taking photos - I even tried twice - the second time he lasted all of 4 minutes - I blinked and nearly missed the first time - quite disappointing really since he was from Brazil - the stereotypes are not always true!).

Peace out homies.

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