Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Muse

I have always wanted to be a muse.  Ever since Sharon Stone's movie 'the Muse' I have been consumed (i'm obviously being a bit dramatic) with the idea of having that as an occupation.  The only men who need a muse though seem to be Aquarian.  Not that that has any bearing on anything, just an observation.

I have had two opportunities to be muse to exceptional artists here in London.  One a photographer, and one a poet.  I am not entirely sure you could classify me as a true muse for either, but I like the sound of it, and it will be something for me to hang on to in my old age.  I will have the photographs (and hopefully) the poem to prove it.

May I also say that the men in London (the English ones) fancy themselves to be gentlemen.  Which I adore!  I have never been treated so well by men.  They all still want the same thing, but at least these ones will work for it. ;-)

A few other random thoughts on London...  What is up with the cigarettes people?  Isn't it enough that the tube fills your nose with black soot?  You have to smoke too???  God Almighty at least blow it upwards or stand more than two centimetres outside of the pub to smoke!  (feel better now).

Also - the English have this culture of buying rounds for each other which means that most of the time you don't pay for your drinks.  Unfortunately for me I have stopped drinking more or less (going out every night does not allow me to also drink and be alive at the end of the week). The other good thing about this is that there is not one dude buying your drinks and you obviously aren't going to sleep with all of them!  My point though is that if you are drinking pop or water they get quite upset with you, and, since they can't buy another drink without buying for everyone there - every time there is a new round-buyer someone else gets upset with you for not drinking.  I have actually had three different people on three different occasions tell me that they are NOT buying me a coke.  And they actually don't get me anything.  If you are not going to drink proper alcohol then you are not going to drink at all!!!  I also had someone just buy me a pint even though I said no.  AA has an uphill battle here!!

Lastly I have, as I mentioned, become addicted to twitter. I love knowing what my celebrity friends are doing.  I have also started secretly following my ex boyfriend.  He has quite a following!  And he provides a lot of useless information that keeps me entertained when I am bored (not much different than our relationship really - add a couple of video games and a boomin car stereo and I am living it all over again!).  I must say though that I enjoy that he spends ALL of his time on the computer sending out twits - he clogs my feed!  This is the reason I decided to end our relationship - he had tuned out and was spending all of his time on the computer downloading music.  I wonder what his wife thinks???  Could the relationship be on the rocks?  I don't want them to break up - then I wouldn't have the ex-boyfriend married my child's babysitter anecdote, and I wouldn't be able to claim that it was through me that they met and found happiness.  Secretly, I take pleasure in the thought that they are really perfect for each other, and I think I may be disappointed if it doesn't work out.  I would like it if at least one relationship I know of actually works!

Op there is a bitter taste in my mouth - gonna stop writing now.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Horror scope

Today I awoke to a horoscope in my inbox (at 2PM) with a very interesting opening line.  

Amuseingmay (it knows my name), this day marks the beginning of the rest of your life.  This is a bit horrifying to me really as I walk around in a state of searching for the moments that I will later write are those that marked the beginning of the rest of my life.  My entire existence has been lived to this point in order to mark chapters in my memoir.  And now, my horror scope is telling me that this day is the one that will change my life that will be the day on which the opening line of said memoir is based?!?!  No freakin pressure.

So I have decided to stay in my pyjamas.  Probably not my most forward thinking plan.  Maybe I should get dressed up and go to the Ritz for a drink - where I will lock eyes with a baldy with a penchant for frizzy haired Canadians with crooked teeth.  

I will likely go out tonight - just to feel like I haven't let the (deep foreboding voice) Day I will remember for the rest of my life pass me by.  Otherwise how will I look at myself in the mirror when I wake up tomorrow (afternoon).

I am addicted to T
witter (amuseingmay).  Completely addicted.  I have decided that I now have the following goals in life.

A.  To have more people following me than I am following.
B.  To have celebrities send me shout outs.
C.  To say funny things.
D.  To get an iphone so I can tweet all the time.

Going to make a frozen pizza now and think of funny things to say.

PS - this is a self portrait.  It is by no means meant to be sexually suggestive in any way.


Sunday, April 19, 2009


I've been away for awhile.  Getting myself grounded after the death of my Dad.  Feeling great today!  

I'm in London now and loving it!  I wish I could stay for ever, but have to home to be the maid-of-honour at one of my best friends' weddings.  A month of parties and preparations for a wedding. Craziness.

Wanted to let you know that I am twittering now . . . amuseingmay is my twittername.  I am pretty excited about it.  Can't wait to give anyone who cares a play by play of my crazy life.  Last week alone I had naked photos taken by an incredible photographer (note - not incredible at sex, just at taking photos - I even tried twice - the second time he lasted all of 4 minutes - I blinked and nearly missed the first time - quite disappointing really since he was from Brazil - the stereotypes are not always true!).

Peace out homies.